Saturday 16 February 2013

How to Attract Beautiful Women

Most women have been brought up and conditioned to not make overt advances to the opposite sex. So over the years, we’ve evolved to developing our own kind of language to convey attraction. Problem is – many men out there don’t know what they are. Flirting is an art form. You need to practice it to attain mastery over it. It consists of giving out not so evident signals at the correct time.
Yes, women are crazy creatures that can drive you mad at times but YOU CAN ALWAYS CONTROL THE OUTCOME.
READING WOMEN. There are so many signs of attraction and contrarily signs of disinterest that I can’t stress on this enough. Get good at reading the signs of attraction from women and chances are you’ll know exactly when to crack that funny joke, when to give her a hug and when to go for that kiss, you’ve wanting to go for the whole time. Reading signs of attraction from women is not rocket science. It takes a lot of trial and error, experimentation and focus but once you get good at it, it’s quite close to being magical. First of all, you must control your body language. Women love self-confident "alpha males", and you MUST behave accordingly. To improve your self-confidence and develop the "alpha male" Women naturally are experts at giving subtle indications. So it is upto the man to decipher these indications which could be a word, eye movement, body language etc. Be alert always when in the company of your woman.
1. Are her eyes always on you?
You’re looking at her, but is she looking at you? Is she looking at everywhere else but you, or staring fixatedly at you? If her gaze is always on you, jackpot – she’s into you. If it’s not, time to move on. Observe her gaze. Does she always look at you when you are looking at her? Does she turn her gaze away when you look at her? These are sure indications that she is entertaining you. If she doesn’t match your eye contact then she is shy and you need to make her a little more comfortable. Just walk to her and introduce yourself. This alone will help you read the signs of attraction from women so much better. When you’re making eye contact, she will respond back. When you make eye contact, you have a much better focus on her subconsciously. This enables you, in turn, to read her better
2. Is she leaning towards, or away from, you?
Is she leaning towards you, or away from you? Something as subtle as how she places her body when she’s with you can help you see if she’s just “testing” you, or is genuinely uninterested. You want to read those signs of attraction and from women and react accordingly. If suddenly, the woman crosses her arms and legs, it means whatever you’re talking about, change the topic. You’re encroaching her territory and making her feel uncomfortable.
3. Is she getting all touchy-feely?
Most women are very protective of their “personal space”. So if a woman moves into your personal space, you know she’s interested. Reaching across to touch your hand or arm, moving closer to you – these are all signs of intimacy and attraction. Some women love discussing things that excite them sexually. They show off their wild side by doing so. If she broaches sexual topics with you, she is trying to take the conversation ( to say the least) towards becoming a verbal foreplay. But they wont be very open about it. Remember, subtlety is what they are expert at and is also what you should follow. A careless slip of tongue and you could reverse the favorable tide. A woman touching you while talking is another indication of her interest in you. This can be a simple touch on the hand or the knee. A simple touch of knees under the table will tell you that she likes touching you and is ready for more levels.
Another weak signal is if she portrays the same body language as you do. If you are talking with your elbow on table, she would also do that. This very often does not happen consciously. Nevertheless, this does show that she in matching your frequency.